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Being in a long distance relationship can be very challenging and most people detest the idea of it. But sometimes, life shoves situations we least expect at us and there is nothing we can do about it. When confronted with such situations, the only thing to do is to take steps towards making the best out of it! There are definitely some tips for long distance relationships that can help if you find yourself in this situation.
In this type of relationship, where distance has made you and your partner physically far away from each other, there are certain things that can be done to make it still be as fiery, fun and romantic as a normal relationship.
Tips for long distance relationships to make it easier:
Distance shouldn’t hinder you from being in a relationship with the love of your life (do what makes you happy, boo!). Two hearts in love will always beat as one no matter where either of them are.
Below are some tips that will help you make and get the best out of your long distance relationship.
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1. Communication is key

Even in a relationship where you get to see each other everyday, communication should still be a very vital and indispensable aspect— and so much more when the relationship is long distance.
There are different ways you can communicate with your partner over a long distance; you can make phone calls, there are a whole lot of messaging apps you can use e.g WhatsApp, iMessage e.t.c. And you can also send letters (trust me, it’s even more romantic to do this in 2020).
You need to realize that it’s not how much you talk to your partner that matters, it’s the quality of the conversation you have with him or her that counts. This is probably one of the most important tips for long distance relationships.
Try to check up on them when you wake up in the morning and before you sleep at night. Send them random sweet texts, and share your pictures and videos with them. Let them in on how your day is going and how your day went. Ask each other questions, it shows how much you care.
One icing on the cake of your communication should be sensual texting. Wondering what that is? Well, it means talking dirty with your partner. Okay maybe dirty is not the word, how about sexy? Whatever you feel more comfortable with, go for it! Say things like “All I want right now is to lay in your arms and kiss you all day long.” (inserts cute emoji) It helps to build and heighten the intimacy between you and your partner and gives them a visual image of you.
You shouldn’t hinder yourself or your partner from fantasizing simply because you can’t be physically intimate. Feel free to imagine what you would like to do with them when you are together and talk about it.
As an anonymous quote goes, “Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.”
2. Be supportive

Even though you are far away from your partner, support them in every little way you can. When talking, listen to everything they say and pick up cues on how you can be of help to them. Always inspire and encourage them to be better and do better, don’t pressurize them unnecessarily.
Be a pillar of support and someone they can lean on when need be. They should be able to pour out their hearts to you and unburden their mind to you during difficult times. If you are fit enough to help them financially when the need arises, don’t hesitate to (yep, stop holding on to society’s gender roles.)
3. Honesty is vital
Honesty is a very important and indispensable part of any relationship, you need to tell your partner the truth at all times no matter how much it might hurt.
Be honest about how you feel toward them as well. If that picture of your boyfriend and another girl disturbed you, let him know so he doesn’t do it again. Or at least let him explain who the girl is before you jump to conclusions.
Being honest with your partner helps to build a stronger bond between the both of you, and your partner would be able to trust and stand for you anywhere. Let your partner know exactly where you are and don’t give them a reason to doubt you. A relationship built on lies will never lead to anywhere good in the end.
4. Understanding matters a lot

It takes a lot of understanding for anyone to maintain a long distance relationship. There are times when your trust and love for each other will be tested, but you still have to keep on going and giving your partner the benefit of doubt.
You should also learn to decipher your partner’s mood when talking to them, especially via text or on the phone. On days when they are sad, angry or tired, learn to give them space or desist from saying anything that would trigger more sadness or anger in them.
5. Embrace positivity
You need to be positive-minded in order to excel in any aspect of your life. Having positive energy helps you keep going forward, regardless of the obstacles in front of you, and you will be energized to make things work.
Having a negative mindset robs you of happiness, creativity and good energy, and gradually you will rub it off on your partner, which would most likely lead to the death of the relationship. Pretty sure you don’t want to be at the funeral of your own relationship!
6. Trust your partner

Trust in a relationship can never be over-emphasized. You need to learn to trust your partner and also do things that will make them trust you.
Being in a long distance relationship, there will be times when you are trying to reach them but you can’t, and you might begin to feel like they are ignoring you or maybe spending time with someone else. In moments like this, you need to trust them and trust the love they have for you.
You should also try not to get jealous when you see them with the opposite sex (herculean task, yes, but still possible). They will definitely have friends and colleagues of the opposite sex; if possible, make friends with this set of people rather than feeling insecure. When you have doubts, talk about it with your partner and make clarifications.
7. Arrange a physical meeting from time to time
No matter how far away you are from your partner or they are from you, you both need to find time to meet up in person as much as possible. It’s true that it might be both time and money consuming, but you have to make it happen regardless. Save towards it if need be.
Seeing your partner physically from time to time will help to strengthen your relationship and remind you both of how much you love each other. During your in person meetings, you get to be more intimate and satisfy your fantasies if possible.
8. Exchange gifts regularly

Try your best to send gifts that your partner would love and appreciate as often as possible. It doesn’t have to be during special occasions alone, everyone loves to receive gifts at any time. It doesn’t have to be something expensive or big either. Those gifts you send to them serve as a constant reminder of you.
How much or how big your gift is doesn’t matter, it’s the thought and love you put into it that matters. There is an endless list of gift ideas, it could be personal items, books, jewelry, clothing, beauty items or a simple card or note telling them something beautiful. Sometimes, even sending them money is a great surprise (I hope you’re getting the right ideas!).
9. Resolve your arguments and differences as soon as possible

There will always be conflict in your relationship, how well you resolve it is what counts. The number one rule is to never sleep over a misunderstanding. Talk about it and resolve it before the day runs out. Don’t keep malice or give the silent treatment.
You’ll realize being angry is futile because in the end, it will constantly be on your mind and you might not be able to get anything else done for that day. Also, don’t neglect issues that need to be discussed or pile them up, talk about them as soon as possible and come to an agreement.
No relationship is easy, each one comes with its own challenges, but your commitment, love and zeal to make it work should overcome any obstacle in the way.
10. Be very patient
There are times when your patience will be tested and you would be tempted to freak out or even put an end to the relationship. At this point, you need to be patient and remind yourself of how much your partner means to you.
Wait to talk to your partner before jumping to conclusions. Being far away from each other is definitely not easy and comes with its own problems, but you need to be willing to make things work regardless.
11. Give your partner time and space

You should know when to give your partner some time and space to themselves. It’s okay to communicate frequently, but you shouldn’t do it to the extent that your partner begins to confuse you with a stalker. Your partner also needs time to be alone, or with their family and friends as much as you do.
Even if the relationship wasn’t long distance, you wouldn’t be with them 24/7, every single day. So try your best to give them their own space and time. Giving your partner space doesn’t mean not talking at all, it simply means giving them a chance to do their own things.
12. Encourage video calls over texting

Seeing your partner’s face while talking to them is a more effective type of communication compared to just texting. With the invention of various messaging apps that allow video calling, that should be the best option.
It is very easy to misunderstand each other when texting, compared to video calling. When video chatting, you get to see your partner’s facial expressions, mood and hear their voice. This also makes it feel like you are closer to them regardless of the distance.
13. Try to do things together
Those things that you both enjoy doing, adapt it into a routine and do it together regardless of the distance.
For example, exercising. Pick a date and time and exercise together. You could even video call each other while doing it. This is great for strengthening the bond and friendship between the both of you.
14. Make future plans together

The ultimate goal of your long distance relationship should be to end up together in marriage (this is just a generalization, of course). Talk about these things and make your future goals together.
If you intend to further your education, learn a new skill or whatever it may be, discuss it with your partner. This would also help you to include their plan in yours and yours in theirs.
You could also take moving together to a closer distance into consideration because the truth is, long distance relationships are mostly short-lived. So, making plans like moving to a place closer to each other is very important especially when you start considering marriage (a long-distance marriage really shouldn’t be an option for the long term!)
15. Set online dates

Just like going on physical dates, set online dates. It could be a movie night or dinner date, watch the same movie at the same time and talk about it together. You could also decide to cook the same food and talk while eating it together (pretty cute, right?).
You don’t have to see each other physically to do things together. Thanks to the advancement of technology, long-distance relationships don’t have to be so difficult.
Finally, it is not easy to maintain a relationship whether long distance or not, but long distance relationships often need extra effort, and some of the tips that’ll help you sail through it smoothly have been highlighted above.
Take these tips for long distance relationships into consideration, prepare your mind and try your best to make the relationship work regardless of the distance. You need to realize how much you love your partner, the happiness you derive from being with them and the beauty of your relationship.
You might also want to read about these:
- 15 Tips to improve communication in a relationship to keep it strong
- 20 Free and cheap date night ideas
- 10 Signs he is madly in love with you
- 13 Secrets of a happy relationship
Don’t forget to pin these tips for long distance relationships for later!
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